Thursday, May 17, 2012

Project: Personalized Alphabet

Good day, PinPeople!!

Today, we are buying a ticket to Lizz Town, where she does crafts for her goddaughter. The idea, of course, came from Pinterest, but I have no earthly clue who to give original credit to, as the pin simply directs me to an enlarged picture of the pin:

Awwwwh, that's super precious for the sweet little one in your life!! There were no real directions on the pin, since it links only to a picture, but the concept is pretty simple. Print an alphabet with the letter of the kiddo's name in a different color, put the cute little adder in on the bottom, frame, done!!

Here's how Miss Lizzie proceded about her craft:

1) See the adorable poster on Pinterest and decide that your goddaughter NEEDS one.
2) Open up Photoshop on your computer.
3) Remember that you don't have Photoshop because it's ungodly expensive.
4) Open up Paint on your computer.
5) Stare at it for a while trying to figure out how you're supposed to use Paint to make something nice.
6) Decide to use Word to create the big beautiful letters, because in Word you can use the alignment that automatically spaces it out right. 
7) Copy (I used PrtScn) and paste it into Paint and enlarge as needed.
8) Wait until there's a Walgreens coupon code out and have them print it out on nice big poster paper.
9) Buy a frame at Michael's.
10) Poster ($16.25) + Frame ($8.62) = Voila! ($24.87)

Here's a picture of the completed project:

Fantastic!! I think this is a supreme PinWin, especially considering there were no directions involved. Hooray!!